This episode of Bicycles As Transport discusses Recreation Trails and Multi-Use Pathways.

Recreation Trails and Multi-Use Pathways are similar in function and design. Recreation Trails are separated facilities, whereas Multi-Use Pathways run alongside roads. They are not the same as sidewalks, though they often replace them to accommodate both pedestrian and cycle traffic.

Neither are governed by the Highway Traffic Act. However, Brampton’s bylaws are like other municipalities in Ontario. The expectation is that all active users keep to the right of the path. Within parklands, cyclists must to yield to pedestrian traffic and walk their bicycles at places of frequent pedestrian usage.

More on the City of Brampton’s Recreational Trails Code of Conduct can be found here:

Brampton Park Lands By-Law can be found here:

If a Recreation Trail or Multi-Use Pathway ends at a road crossing, the Highway Traffic applies within the road allowance. This rule to walk your bicycle in a pedestrian crosswalk. Remember to check for car traffic at driveway entrances and exits.

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Disclaimer: “Bicycle As Transport” videos are for demonstration purposes to provide general information on lawfully using a bicycle. They are not CAN-BIKE instruction videos, are not comprehensive, nor provides specific advice or any guarantees. You must determine for yourself what your experience, training and competency level is with using a bicycle. The Bikeport by Kevin Montgomery disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this information.

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