This episode of Bicycles As Transport discusses Painted Shoulders and Bike Lanes.

Urban shoulders serve several purposes. Apart from serving as a space that people can use their bicycles in, they also serve as spaces for people to park their cars. There are usually no markings or signs to indicate that it’s a cycling-specific facility, and to avoid confusion. The constraint on these spaces is that they can only serve one purpose at a time: Either as a space to use a bicycle, or a space to park a car. When use a bicycle in such a facility, you’ll need to be prepared to exit the shoulder if necessary to overtake parked cars that are using the space.

Bike lanes, on the other hand, are different. They will be clearly marked and/or signed as a bicycle-only facility. They are not lawful places to park cars.

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Disclaimer: “Bicycle As Transport” videos are for demonstration purposes to provide general information on lawfully using a bicycle. They are not CAN-BIKE instruction videos, are not comprehensive, nor provides specific advice or any guarantees. You must determine for yourself what your experience, training and competency level is with using a bicycle. The Bikeport by Kevin Montgomery disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this information.

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